Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 5: 63 building and RENT!

So another week and more adventures to talk about. While Don went off hiking again this past Sunday, I went out with one of the other teachers (Erin) and a couple of her friends. I had heard a few weeks ago that Erin had tickets to see RENT, my favourite musical and was excited to find out, with her help and the help of a Korean teacher (THANKSSS Lauren) that there were still tickets available. So of course I had to go! And for some reason Don didn't want to join me...

We left home shortly after 2 to make the trek via Subway to the area where the theater is. We decided to make a day of it (the show didn't start until 7) so we met up with one of Erin's friends Christine and walked to the 63 building, which is the tallest building in Seoul. From the name, you can guess that it has 63 floors, but only 60 are above ground. We had a smoothie in a ground level cafe and then found the ticket area and bought our tickets (for about 12000 won, kinda pricy) to go up to the "Sky Art" exhibit. There is an art gallery on the top floor. After a little bit of confusion we found the elevator we had to take to get to the top and headed up. The Elevator is on the outside of the building so that you can watch your ascent and decent and it rises pretty fast.

Once on the top floor the views were beautiful. You could see a lot of the city, except for the parts covered with smog. It made it much more apparent that there wasn't really a plan when the city came together. The building is on the river, so we could see all along the river and the many bridges that cross it. It was nice to see the views and the art on display.

Erin, Christine and I at the top of 63 building,
we were given these headbands with our tickets.



We didn't have a lot of time to enjoy the art work because we were meeting another friend (Amanda) for supper before the show. We made our way through the exhibit and back to the elevators and made our descent. We found some time to take some shots outside the building then we hailed a cab.
63 Building

We somehow were able to explain to the driver where we wanted to go and he got us there. Once at the theater we made our way to the main entrance where we were to meet Amanda and took some pictures of the huge RENT poster that they had up. Then we went for a walk to a strip of cafe's and restaurants that they had nearby. We found a great Italian restaurant and ordered some salad, pasta and traditional pizza that we all kinda shared. It was delish!

KBS Theater

After our satisfying meal we made our way back to the theater and got into line to pick up our tickets. With a little confusion since our tickets were ordered under our friend's Korean name we were eventually given our tickets and we decided to find our seats. The other three girls all had seats together since they had bought their tickets a lot earlier and had seats close to the stage. I sat alone which was alright, I had a great seat further up and to the right, my seat was part of 2 seats together by themselves so I was able to enjoy the show without having to fight for the arm rest. Once the show started I did miss having the company of Laurie and Danny who were with me in Toronto when I saw RENT last. I may have shed a tear or two...

Amanda and Erin

The performances were amazing and will not be forgotten. It is my favourite musical and I was not disappointed. Being able to see three of the original cast members before RENT is taken off Broadway was something I did not think I would experience, let alone in Seoul.

Afterward I rushed out to meet the others and said my goodbyes (they wanted to stay back to try to catch some of the cast leaving) and made my way home via subway. It took me about an hour and I got home just in time to catch the church service at home via Skype for the first time. I was very excited! I have missed church sooooo much since we have been here. I miss the people and the messages, I miss the music and the feeling of joy that comes from everyone. Although there was a glitch and the video froze I was still able to hear the whole service and some greetings from members of the congregation as they left. :)

Don and I are looking forward to many more Skyped services!


  1. I hear you about missing your home congregation. I have found a Baptist Church that has really welcomed me in, and I think I will probably end up going there long-term because it's close-by, even though it's very different from my home congregation. I'm getting the bulletins from home via email. Glad you were able to feel connected in some way with your congregation via Skype. Just a few years ago that wouldn't have been possible. :)

  2. Wish I could have been there next to you for RENT. Missing you a lot these days, sis. Lovin' the blog btw.
